
Apprenticeships life is a free resource for anyone to use to aid their search for success using education as a foundation to this aim, with apprenticeship opportunities being displayed, job and vacancies too. My network has a reach of over 250,000k individuals from all walks of life spread across a wide range of social platforms such as Twitter, Face book, Google+, LinkedIN, blogs and more. I offer advice and guidance to those that request it, and give priority to NEET’s of any age, re-offenders, school leavers and those that have not got the skills to hold down a contract of employment, nor had the opportunity of work experience. I champion for these individuals and offer assistance to them using the hundreds of contacts available to the network. At the same time I promote those with the opportunities to the social platforms, the most popular being Twitter, where these training providers, charities, organisations, SME’s, start-ups are Re Tweeted and given a daily tweet, also adding them to our lists, available on our Twitter profile. We offer articles of interest to the FE industry across the network and ensure that transparency is paramount for all.

I am but one man, severely disabled and unemployed, I started apprenticeships life as a way of finding myself a job, and created many opportunities for myself, however once people see my disability and the fact that I am in need of major surgery often, I am never offered any positions. So rather than sitting around all day long, falling deeper and deeper into depression and allowing my disability to drag me down, I carried on and for 12-16 hours a day I am building and managing the network, helping as many people I can, whilst I can, to achieve more out of life, because if I can do all this, then what can they do if they just put their minds to it. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance and apprenticeships life is there to help them in this quest.

Absolutely everything I do is voluntary, and I live in hope that one day someone will see the value of my network and help me to fund it so I can then help even more learners realise the true value of themselves and their potential to succeed if they just put their minds to it

So there you have it, a small explanation of what I do, there is a lot more to my story and perhaps one day I’ll write a book

Kindest regards

Peter Stone

#Apprenticeships Life, a network with you at its heart!

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